Construction Framing Works!

What Are the Different Framing Processes?

To begin with, every framing job is unique, even if they are all based on the same system. So, what makes every job a bit different, even if it mostly follows the same pattern? What differences can you expect when it comes to foundation, walls, windows, roofs, doors, and everything else? Before the construction framing company starts, they need to get all the foundations in place. Foundation work can include:

Buckling or Shoring

These are important in any job, as they provide a stable base for the building and keep it from shifting. They are routinely used to shore up foundations and provide extra support for walls, too. They are also able to hold back large mounds of dirt and debris that need to be moved for the job to even begin.


Trenching allows the foundation to be worked on, as well as other large areas of the site. This is where the progress will be made, as well as the foundation being laid out on the ground. Trenches can be anywhere from 3 to 6 feet deep, and the ground that is being prepared is scraped out, depending on the job at hand.


This is the process of removing large amounts of dirt and other materials from a job site. Excavation can help create room for other construction and can be done for driveways, basements, and other parts of the job site. This is when the site is being prepped for the framing to follow, so the foundation can be laid out and properly prepared for walls, roofs, and all the other features that a house should have.

If you are looking for a construction framing company that is based in the Knoxville, TN area, please do not hesitate to call R. Nunez Construction today at (865) 213-1532 for an appointment.

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